So. I’m in a tough spot right now. I keep going over things in my head, trying to come up with some process that will help me get past my boredom to do the writing I need and want (but don’t want) to do. I want to do it, but I don’t want to sit down and do the work of it.
A conundrum, I know. It isn’t the sitting down, or the typing, that keeps me from getting started. It’s the expectation and the thinking I have to do.
My brain is just so tired of all this thinking.
So tonight, after another day of agonizing about not writing but never getting to the point where I could make myself sit down and write (I even canceled a doctors’ appointment today for this), I have finally come to the conclusion that I’m making this so much harder than it has to be.
I’m going to take a step back from all the various plans I’ve come up with in the last few weeks to try to get me moving on my books again, and just… go easy on myself.
The new plan is so simple I feel ridiculous even calling it a plan.
I’m going to write some fiction every day.
I’m going to try to write enough to keep me happy when I look at my daily and weekly and monthly word counts.
I’m going to focus on getting a streak of daily writing going.
That’s it, really. Just write, and stop thinking so much.
Too much thinking gets in the way of a lot of things. It can also set us on a path we don’t need to be on.