Today I need a challenge

A few days ago, I felt like a challenge and that worked out well for me. Today I don’t particularly feel like a challenge but I need one because I needĀ to get writing again before I fall too far behind.

The last three days have been a mess. I’ve written a great big fat 0 words and I don’t know what to blame for that other than my own inability to get started. Getting started is really the hardest thing I do all day when it comes to anything that needs to be done.

The night of my great day (when I didn’t even want to stop because the writing was going so well) I read through what I’d written and made some notes of things to correct or adjust. I didn’t find enough to turn me off the story, so I’m not sure why the hold up. It might not be related, but I do think it’s worth noting.

I’ve also been working on a few of my websites the last couple of days. Kind of obsessively, tbh. I thought I’d gotten it all out of my system finally, but yesterday, right when I was supposed to start writing, I decided I absolutely needed to write something for at least one of the sites.

Trust me when I say that’s not true. The site hasn’t had an update in over a year. I doubt doing one then matteredĀ at all.

I want to challenge myself to write 1,000 words today for each day that I wrote nothing AND to finish proofing a story I was supposed to have finished proofreading weeks ago.

So… at least 3,000 words today on schedule is the challenge. :)