Okay, yesterday, I had other things on my mind, not the least of which was the importance of … uh, something. I had to catch up my accounting, because this is a business. :) If I’m gonna procrastinate, at least I chose something awesome to procrastinate with! But NaNoWriMo waits for no one and I gotta get back to it today.
9:14 am: 11,251
Sometime past my bedtime: 11,227
Ouch. I went backwards. Those cleats aren’t working!
Hump day! But…but…I haven’t made it up the hill yet!
Day 15, wow! I want to write double my needed count for the day. I’m trying to think how that’s going to happen… Maybe a little magic? A cup of tea? A better keyboard? Nope! My brain needs a makeover! I’m going to focus on keeping my fingers moving and my momentum carrying me forward. Perfection is for losers. ;) I wanna be a winner this year!
I’m still having fun posting about my NaNoWriMo progress and still getting a motivational boost from doing it, so here I go again (What does it say about me that every time I say that, I think of Whitesnake and sing a little of it in my head?). Today I might not post as often. We’ll see. I don’t want to lose a lot of time to aimless internet wanderings onto forums and blogs. And since I’m addicted to reading, I must stop reading before I start if I want to get any writing done!
Between 7 and 9 I wrote about an hour. I used a timer so I know of what I speak. ;) I’m trying to be a little more active today, so timer goes off, I go do something that’s me not sitting on my butt typing. And, yeah, I just cried like a baby writing that last bit I was writing and discovered it’s really hard to pay attention to the monitor through snot and tears! I get very emotional when I write. Sorry. :D
Between 9 and 11:30 I wrote for an hour. I deleted a little over 400 words from a few days ago, so I’ve ended up with fewer than I started with at 9 but that’s okay. I’ll make them back up later. :)
Between 11:30 and 5:42 I wrote for an hour—what? No, that doesn’t sound right. Ah well, I’ve either forgot I reset the timer an extra time or two or … never mind. I remember. I took a break and wrote a 907 word short story (complete! in about 30 minutes! see, see, see, I don’t always write s.l.o.w.l.y!) when I hit a rough spot that just wouldn’t settle for me in my book. Ah well. That threw off my writing a bit with a break before and after. During the hour I wrote on my actual book I deleted more, wrote more, deleted more, all because there was something really important happening and I couldn’t figure out what it was! And that’s the problem with having no idea what you’re writing until your fingers are actually on the keyboard. But—that’s the way I like it. ;) Now back to work. I have words to put down and I have a limited amount of time to get it done. I skipped my nap today and I’m going to give out early, I can already feel it. More tea’s needed but my bladder is already mad at me for too much fluid intake today. :(
Between 5:42 and 7:30 I wrote 30 minutes. Not sure what happened other than a friend calling unexpectedly. That ate up the time until 6:30 but after that, I’m really not sure how a 30 minute timer took 1 hour. Maybe I wrote for an hour and I’m just confused. I feel like it’s been a long day, so maybe I am. I can’t figure out why the writing of this book is going so slowly. Before my writing break, this book was zooming along at over 1,000 words an hour. After the break, I’m luck I’m cracking 250 an hour.
Between 7:30 and 8:30 I wrote most of the time although I didn’t keep time this time. :) But I’m done for the night. Just can’t keep on and my nose is stopping up on me. I better not get sick this month!
Every day is a chance to do better than yesterday.
I’d like a big gain today but I’ll settle for reaching my daily goal without too much drama. What am I doing here? I’m recording my progress on NaNoWriMo 2013—it’s fun! I’m finding the process more useful than I expected when I started and … it’s my website; I can do what I want. ;)
Between 8 and 10:30 I wrote, then I napped—I have no idea why I needed a nap this early but I assume it had to do with thoughts about my book congealing in my head. I had numerous ideas solidify while I drifted in and out of sleep over a thirty minute period. Then I had tea and stared at the beautiful sunshine through my window, wishing it weren’t just 39°F outside! I live in a mild part of the country and this is not my favorite kind of weather. I prefer a brisk 60°–65° over close-to-freezing any day of the week.
Between 10:30 and 12 I allowed myself to get distracted. Too many browser windows open! I’m shutting off the browser until I get something done. I lose track of time without the clock in my browser bar dinging but I’m just going to have to deal. Maybe that’s what’s causing me to get distracted. I don’t mind losing track of time if I’m actually writing when I do it.
Between 12 and 1:49 I made a bit of progress. I wrote about an hour and fifteen minutes during that time.
Between 1:49 and 2:46 I wrote! Not much else to say. I haven’t moved out of my chair or taken my fingers off the keyboard during that time. I know I’m slow. I write how I write, and that is apparently very, very slowly. Until I’m not. But apparently “I’m not” isn’t happening today.
Between 2:46 and 5 I did a lot of stuff that wasn’t writing. I probably got in about 30–45 minutes of writing. Ouch. That’s like 1,433 for the whole day so far.
It’s 10:06 p.m. and I’m bummed. I thought I would have some more writing time tonight but stuff happened, and all that imaginary time disappeared into the ether. I’m calling it a night and trying not to feel bad about my progress today. I have to have a few good days soon or I’m going to be in real trouble. I’ve got a book I’ve need to finish asap. ASAP.
I’m not going to waste time explaining yesterday’s bust. It’s all there in the post. Today I want to do a lot better. I’m hoping the book cooperates with me. ;)
Between 8:56 and 9:47 I focused and wrote and although I’m off to a slow start and am under my hoped-for pace of 600 wph, I am happy with how things are going. I ruminate. A lot.
Between 10 and 11 I wrote for about 50 minutes. More slow progress, but my scene’s coming together nicely. Wish it were going faster, but I’ll take what I can get for the moment!
Between 11 and 12:30 I wrote a bit, but I also had lunch. Gotta keep my energy up because I’m hoping to get on a roll later. :)
Between 12:30 and 3 I did too much forum surfing! I wrote maybe an hour during that time? Maybe a little more, but things are still moving slowly. I’m still quite happy with my story though. I’m loving the way certain things are developing.
Between 5 to about 5:50 I wrote. I don’t have any idea what happened to the rest of the time, except that some normal day-to-day living was going on. I’ll be back later. I still have at least a thousand words I’d like to write tonight. Or at least 621, because that’s what NaNo says is my minimum to finish on time. :)
Between 8 and 8:40 I wrote but s.l.o.w.l.y. until I finally gave up for the night.
What have I learned about myself over the last few days? Quite a lot actually. I wouldn’t have thought I’d find these little posts useful like that, but I have. I do believe I need to get an earlier start writing in the mornings before I let myself get distracted (going to try that in the morning) and stick with it until I get some real momentum going. Stop taking breaks that last more than a few minutes, and stop skipping my nap! Because here it is 8:42 and I’m so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open. It doesn’t help that at this time of year sunset is at 4:36 PM where I live (according to Google). Did you know you can type “sunset at xxxxx” where xxxxx is your zip code and Google will tell you that? How fun!
Between 9 and 9:40 I squeezed in a few more words and cleaned up a messy scene when I meant to be shutting down the computer! Who knew I had any left for the day?
Writing takes no holiday in the month of November.
^ I was wrong.
This has been one of those days where every time I thought I was going to get started, I didn’t.
1:01 pm: 6,170
2:12 pm: 6,341
9:11 pm 6,341
Between 1 and 2:12 I wrote for about 45 minutes. 171 words during that time means I’m off to a really slow start. As usual. Sigh.
Between 2:12 and 3:22 I have no idea what happened but I don’t think I did much writing! I got completely sidetracked and lost every bit of focus I had. :(
Between 8:30 and 9 I wrote at more than my average pace of 600 words an hour. If I keep it up and actually get in the number of hours I plan to write today, then I should make my 6,000. What a great way to start the morning!
Between 9 and 10:42 I wrote some but did some other things too. I moved my writing location to take advantage of the morning sun, soaked up a little fresh cool air outside and called my Mom for a quickie talk. Now I’m ready to settle in until lunch.
Between 11 and 12 I wrote.
Between 2 and 3 I wrote.
Between 5 and almost 6 I wrote. I’ve had a lot of gaps in my time today that I don’t really know how to explain because the time just seemed to disappear! I plan to write more today but it won’t be just now. Got things to do. :)
Between 7 and 10 I wrote some more. I’m calling it a night though, so 6,000 or bust was a bust. That said, I’m still happy because today’s word count is the highest word count I’ve gotten in a day since August 16, which was my last 5,000 word day.
I did say I needed to work on consistency, didn’t I? That’s one reason I always enjoy NaNoWriMo. It forces me to be consistent if I want to have any chance of winning. I’m enjoying the challenge!
I’m loving this Chrome Screen Capture extension. It makes it so easy to put up images like this one. I’ve been slow to start but I still intend to come out this year a NaNoWriMo Winner …
I can’t believe how much I’m enjoying this. Not NaNoWriMo, but the posting of my progress here. So, I’m going to keep on doing it until I don’t want to anymore. :p
Between 8 and 9 I wrote. I know, 20 words? But I was still working through the very last of a chapter that was already written. It should have been faster. I don’t even know why it wasn’t. I needed it to go differently but I couldn’t figure out what different exactly meant. Just, it wasn’t right. That’s all I know.
Between 9 and 10 I goofed off. Yeah. There’s no better way to describe this that doesn’t make me into a liar. I’m so sorry! I was supposed to write from 8 to 12 today because I only have these two blocks of time to make good on some decent word counts for NaNo this weekend. So, back to it. No more goofing off!
Between 10 and 11:30 I totally goofed off some more. But no more!
Between 11:30 and 12 I wrote! I was just getting up some momentum too but had to cut it short because I have things to do now. I’ll be back later to put in some real writing time. ;)
Between 9 and 9:38 I wrote even though I’m really tired. I get up too early most days to stay up late without feeling it in the worst way. I need my 8–9 hours to operate at anything resembling my peak. So, it’s off to bed shortly and I’m done writing for the day.
Tomorrow is going to be a good day because it’s all blank pages ahead finally!
Small steps … are for weenies. :) Now, to keep from being a weenie, I have to get on the ball today and make up some word count!
Yesterday’s fun little exercise in posting my word count progress as the day went on turned out really well. I stayed more focused than I’ve been able to stay all week and I really had fun doing it. So … I’m going to do it again today.
Between 8 and 9 I wrote the entire time, except for 10 minutes at the end when I took a short break. Today’s looking to be better than yesterday and I’m finding it a lot easier to concentrate for some reason. Although I am freezing right now and have stiff fingers to show for it.
Between 9 and 10ish a friend called so I only wrote for a little bit, not sure how long.
Whoa! What happened to 10ish to 1?
Between 1 and 2 I’m not really sure. I feel like I wrote the whole time but that’s some terrible progress there. I seem to be stuck in a chapter and just keep cycling back through it. Not sure why.
Between 2 and 9 I didn’t write much of anything. Too much living going on. I’m very sleepy and now I’m calling it a night.
Sigh. I really expected to do better today. Tomorrow I have a block in the morning and in the evening when I can get back to it; hopefully I’ll do better!
My starting count on day 7 of NaNoWriMo. Things can only improve from here, right?
Today I’m going to mark my word counts as the day goes by. I don’t have a specific schedule but it’s going to be a full day of writing so I’ll try to remember to drop in every hour or so and add my wordcount. Let’s see if this helps me stay focused. Oh and you’ll get to see just how slowly I write.
(*Oops, revised my starting time because somehow it went from 7:34 to 8:31 in the blink of an eye. I’m settled now. Time to focus.)
Between 8:30 and 9 I don’t even know what happened.
Between 9 and 10 I probably didn’t get but 15-20 minutes of writing time because of … stuff I can’t even remember at the moment. Focus is clearly a problem for me.
Between 10 and 11 I actually spent more time writing, in between staring at the sunshine coming in my dining room windows (after a quick change of location, hoping I’d be able to settle in—nada).
Between 11 and 12 I finally started to make some progress. I’ve been fighting a two-chapter span where I really didn’t know where things were going and had ended up going back over it a couple of times just to try to get some forward momentum. Seems like I might be getting there! :) Very happy at the moment. My knee won’t stop jiggling.
Between 12 and 1 I didn’t write. I went out and got some sunshine since it was so beautiful outside and then … I tried to rest on the couch. I didn’t actually nap. I rarely do although I’m trying to get better at it.
Between 1 and 2 I wrote pretty much the whole time. Although I did sneak in a piece of pecan pie. :)
Between 2 and 3 I checked my email. I had one message that I didn’t outright delete, and it contained a link and then … at 2:55 I realized what time it was and freaked out, because that was supposed to take like 5 minutes. So, no more email today until I am done writing! No exceptions! ! ! <– extra emphasis necessary before my brain will take me seriously, thank you very much.
Between 3 and 6 I didn’t write at all. Life went on. I also checked email. Gah. I forgot all about the no exception rule! Now back to writing.
Between 6 and 7 I wrote for about 30 minutes. I had to call my mom. I told her to hang up on me if I talked more than 5 minutes, but alas, she didn’t, and I kept talking for another 15. Sigh. Another thing that is clearly a problem for me.
Between 7 and 8 I wrote for about 15 minutes. I got distracted by an email I swore I wasn’t going to check and ended up writing a forum post and reply that I swear is longer than the words I’ve managed on my book today. Why did I do that? Seriously. Why?
And then life interrupted again, and I decided to give it up for the night.
Oh, my, oh, my, oh, my. I’m in trouble here. I’m at 1,315 on DAY 6 of NaNo. I know I can catch up if I can get on a roll, but I’ve been saying that for days. Time to put up or shut up.
My current playlist is made up of Let Her Go by Passenger.
You got it. That song, on repeat. I’ve listened to it enough that you’d think I’d know it by heart, and yet … there is a reason I will never be a musician. I can’t ever remember lyrics! Ever! I get them wrong no matter how many times I hear a song.
I listened to Stubborn Love (The Lumineers) for 10 hours straight one day and … yeah, I can’t remember the words even when it’s playing and I’m trying to sing along. But I was getting close to the end of a book and keeping the same song going helps me focus. :)
Maybe it’ll work for NaNo. Time to get back to writing. If you haven’t noticed, my posting here is usually a sign I’m avoid writing. :)
Holy crap, it’s day 5 of NaNoWriMo 2013. I am not doing well. Especially for someone who swore to herself that this was a winning year! The good news is that it’s the beginning of the day. It’s time to turn off the internet and write.
Another day of procrastination. I have a plot problem that put me into a tizzy last night and it took me most of the day of randomly updating my various websites to come to terms with the notion that I’m going to have to get over myself and just write it. I’m so terribly worried that I’m making a mistake. One moment I’m sure it’s wrong, wrong, wrong, and the next I’m telling myself to trust my gut. I called and whined to my mother for a good half-hour, until she got tired of my circular arguments both for and against my decision and finally just told me to get busy, she was taking a nap. :o
It’s going to be brutal this year, after a nearly two-month dry spell where I couldn’t—okay, wouldn’t—put my butt in a chair and work my fingers to the bone.
Let’s see, I write about 600-750 words an hour on a good day, so that’s like…OMG, two and a half to three hours of writing. It’s going to kill me.*
*Please accept my apologies for the OTT sarcasm. :D I’m feeling peppy today.
*No, really, it is, because making myself stay focused that long is going to take a lot of work!