My new year

I’m always trying to figure out what I want to do with this blog–how to make it work for me.

But it already does. I just forget sometimes that it’s okay for it to simply exist in the way that it does. I start to feel pressure when I notice that (nearly) everyone else in the blog business is trying to run a business.

Look, this is a blog. If you learn something here, it isn’t because I taught it, it’s because something I’ve said about my own journey and life resonated with you, and you did the work to apply it to your own life.

I ramble. I talk about my own struggles. This blog is like my body double so I can get closer to reaching my own goals. I need that accountability. I like writing about my failures. Maybe I’m too introspective. Maybe it slows me down. What I do know is that if I don’t write out these things they start to billow up inside me and make me feel like I’m ready to claw my way out of my own skin.

And I enjoy writing the blog for whatever reason. But I hate structured writing. Don’t like putting together essays or articles. It feels hard. It definitely isn’t fun.

This–stream of consciousness writing–is easy. It feels fun, and it relaxes me.

So here I am. It’s time to reset for 2025, a little early, I know, but is it ever really too early to do better? No, I don’t think so. :D

Welcome to my new year.

See you around.

P.S. If you have a blog that’s just a blog, let me know and I’ll share the link, for other writers who just want to read about someone else’s struggles with writing and publishing for a break from their own.

It’s a blog

Perpetualized is a blog in the traditional sense of the word. I don’t write articles; I write daily logs that I post on the web. Sometimes I fall off and don’t write for a while, and sometimes I write more than once a day.

After giving it a little thought, that’s really all I want from this site—a place to chat with whoever happens to drop by and a place to post about whatever is on my mind at the moment when I sit down to type. :)

Writing nonfiction is a pain in the ass

I don’t know if it’s because of the way I think or something else, but I always struggle when I try to write anything meaningful for this blog.

With fiction, I do spend a lot of time rereading my sentences, paragraphs, and scenes as I write so that I don’t confuse myself, but I can string a story along well enough. I manage to earn my living so I do okay.

Not so for nonfiction.

That’s why I mostly ramble here on this site. Anytime I try to put together a more complete post, it usually starts to fall apart about halfway through and veers into something else entirely.

Or I run out of steam and just don’t want to finish what I started. That happens too.

All that was just to say that I suck at writing nonfiction and essays and I never did well with school papers. I can write a review but only if I stick to how I feel and don’t start trying to do any kind of critical analysis of the thing.

I’d blame my teachers but that wouldn’t be honest. They tried to teach me. I just couldn’t seem to learn it. Which is pretty ironic looking back, because I tested out of Comp I in college, so I didn’t even have to take that class. I probably really needed it. :-)

I think it’s a common misconception that all writers must be able to write all things. But that’s certainly not true for me. I absolutely despise trying to write anything nonfiction that isn’t pure rambling. Even this piece seems to have lost its way.

On that note, I’ll end this to go work on my book.

I’m actually getting started on it again, after having a lot of trouble getting myself back to it, and I’m up to chapter three in an editing read-through meant to get me back on track with the story. I’m reading it as an HTML file on my phone after using my little batch file to convert it with pandoc and save it in Dropbox. :-)