I wrote what I thought about the WordPress 5.0 update and the new block editor in my own previous post.
I’m not satisfied to be unhappy about the change all by my lonesome. So here are some links to other people’s reviews and thoughts about the new editor.
Reviewing Gutenberg: Is WordPress’ New Editor Up to Scratch?
Thorough and to the point. It addresses the topic from a viewpoint I share, but I am totally biased. I don’t like the editor.
Welcoming WordPress 5.0 And The New Editor
Mostly a positive look at WP 5 and the new editor, with a bit of a take-back at the end.
WordPress Gutenberg will be the end of WordPress
This one was written by someone who appears to have had so many of the same feelings I have about WordPress’s new update, Gmail and Google Calendar and their regression to a mobile first interface to the detriment of the desktop environment, etc, that I got sucked into reading lots of stuff there. (Gotta say, the article about the three-foot long erection was probably the highlight of my reading that day.)
7 Reasons to Not Switch to the Gutenberg WordPress Editor
I have a few more links that I want to post but I’ll have to get back to it. They’re on a tablet somewhere and I’m supposed to be writing fiction. Also, I’m hungry and the new WP editor has stolen enough of my time! :)
Update: I’ve switched to the “Disable Gutenberg” plugin instead of the “Classic Editor” plugin.
Update again: I’ve switched back to the “Classic Editor” plugin after noticing a few glitches with the other one. It doesn’t matter in the long run because I’m abandoning WordPress on all my sites that use it. I just don’t like the direction WordPress seems to be headed in and I’ve got other options. :-)