I wanted to save a few articles from an author’s website to read later, so I sent the links to Pocket using the right-click context menu. It’s something I do regularly when I want to follow links but don’t actually want to do it right then for whatever reason. (Because I should be writing!)
So I went to do some reading in Pocket later on my phone and here’s what I found:
See that “books”? Those are supposed to be posts/pages on that site, specific pages that I wanted to read. “Books” is the site homepage, and if you chop it off books like lots of people do (myself included) to get to the main author site, you don’t get a page at all. You get a 404 error. Now that could be the author’s problem, maybe they set up the site wrong, but the thing I’m concerned about, for every person out there who might be using Wix as a website, is the fact that individual pages are not viewable in things like Pocket.
From the pages I’d saved:
Every page I had saved was just like this. Blank.
I’m blaming Wix for this because Wix supplies the templates. Isn’t that the whole point of Wix, to make it easy for people who don’t know how to make a website or just don’t want to fool with the details?
Now I have to go try to remember what pages I wanted to read and find them again. Or if it’s even worth the trouble.
My suggestion to anyone considering Wix for anything as important as an author website is to skip it. Wix does not function the way it should.