I’m ambivalent about yesterday’s success. I wrote over a thousand words, but I know I could have done more. And even though I’m no longer using my calender to schedule my time, I’m still doing some tracking. I put in entries for what I’ve done versus what I’m going to do.
What I’ve discovered over three days of consistently tracking this time is that I stay busy. I jump around a lot, doing a lot of little things throughout the day, and when I look at my calendar, I see a need to avoid a lot of these little things in favor of an extra few minutes writing. Because as I’ve said before, getting started is the hardest part for me. If I can get started more often, I’ll have more blocks of writing time, and I’ll be hitting 6 hours of writing each day before I know it.
Anyway, I’m not going to drag this out. I’m excited that I made progress yesterday, and there is something about not labeling a day a success or a failure based on some random metric that’s very freeing—invigorating even. I think this way of thinking is going to have long-term benefits.
I’m feeling like an optimist today. It’s going to be a great day. :)