June 24 session log

At 11:30 am:

Hours Words Session WPH
0.7 374 374 534.286
0.9 725 351 390

I didn’t plan for a late start, but that’s what happened. Then I had several interruptions that interfered with me finishing sessions on time. Finally, I stopped for a bit of reading and lunch and I’m going to finish the 4 hours just as soon as I finish reading this book and possibly take a quick nap (thunderstorms last night and a barking dog meant I had a rough night of sleep). I have less than 20 pages of the book left, and I know I’ll concentrate better having it finished. It’s at the big finale.

All right. It’s 2:31 pm and I’m back. My hands are out of practice with the typing! Which matters, because I need approximately 1,045 words an hour for the next 2.4 hours to reach my goal in the total 4 hours I planned for today. :o

I’d better get to it.