My first goal for today is 1,557 words (which is my normal daily goal). Let’s see how fast I can reach it.
Fast? Maybe not. But…
10:51 am: 13 minutes, 87 words.
11:35 am: 30 minutes, 214 words.
12:25 pm: 29 minutes, 175 words.
2:34 pm: 7 minutes, 78 words.
3:28 pm: 11 minutes, 127 words.
Too many interruptions today, but that should be behind me now. Let’s see if I can stay focused on writing the rest of the day.
Total so far is 1.5 hours exactly and 681 words written.
5:30 pm: 44 minutes, 351 words.
8:22 pm: 44 minutes, 320 words.
9:04 pm: 13 minutes, 180 words.
I’m running out of steam! Total so far is 1,532 words. I’m so close to my daily minimum that I have to finish it. But somehow it’s become 11:22 pm and I haven’t gotten back to my writing yet. And I can’t quit yawning.
12:22 am: 22 minutes, 115 words.
Final tally: 1,647 words and 3.55 hours of writing.