I’m still having fun posting about my NaNoWriMo progress and still getting a motivational boost from doing it, so here I go again (What does it say about me that every time I say that, I think of Whitesnake and sing a little of it in my head?). Today I might not post as often. We’ll see. I don’t want to lose a lot of time to aimless internet wanderings onto forums and blogs. And since I’m addicted to reading, I must stop reading before I start if I want to get any writing done!
7:01 am: 9,628
9:01 am: 10,361
11:30 am: 10,247
5:42 pm: 10,429
7:34 pm: 10,780
8:24 pm: 11,061
Between 7 and 9 I wrote about an hour. I used a timer so I know of what I speak. ;) I’m trying to be a little more active today, so timer goes off, I go do something that’s me not sitting on my butt typing. And, yeah, I just cried like a baby writing that last bit I was writing and discovered it’s really hard to pay attention to the monitor through snot and tears! I get very emotional when I write. Sorry. :D
Between 9 and 11:30 I wrote for an hour. I deleted a little over 400 words from a few days ago, so I’ve ended up with fewer than I started with at 9 but that’s okay. I’ll make them back up later. :)
Between 11:30 and 5:42 I wrote for an hour—what? No, that doesn’t sound right. Ah well, I’ve either forgot I reset the timer an extra time or two or … never mind. I remember. I took a break and wrote a 907 word short story (complete! in about 30 minutes! see, see, see, I don’t always write s.l.o.w.l.y!) when I hit a rough spot that just wouldn’t settle for me in my book. Ah well. That threw off my writing a bit with a break before and after. During the hour I wrote on my actual book I deleted more, wrote more, deleted more, all because there was something really important happening and I couldn’t figure out what it was! And that’s the problem with having no idea what you’re writing until your fingers are actually on the keyboard. But—that’s the way I like it. ;) Now back to work. I have words to put down and I have a limited amount of time to get it done. I skipped my nap today and I’m going to give out early, I can already feel it. More tea’s needed but my bladder is already mad at me for too much fluid intake today. :(
Between 5:42 and 7:30 I wrote 30 minutes. Not sure what happened other than a friend calling unexpectedly. That ate up the time until 6:30 but after that, I’m really not sure how a 30 minute timer took 1 hour. Maybe I wrote for an hour and I’m just confused. I feel like it’s been a long day, so maybe I am. I can’t figure out why the writing of this book is going so slowly. Before my writing break, this book was zooming along at over 1,000 words an hour. After the break, I’m luck I’m cracking 250 an hour.
Between 7:30 and 8:30 I wrote most of the time although I didn’t keep time this time. :) But I’m done for the night. Just can’t keep on and my nose is stopping up on me. I better not get sick this month!