March 2023 accountability

This is the first of what I’m planning to be a monthly series. The posts will center around how the writing is going for me, and what my level of output is.

I started to type production, but that word has connotations I don’t like.

March was a great month. It was my first at what I consider full speed writing for me since the end of 2021, which I thought was me getting back to full speed but ended up no such thing. 2022 was not a good year for me. I lost family members and overall just had a tough time caring about writing at all.

But that’s then, and this is March. I wrote 18,578 words in March. That’s a better word count than I had in 68% of the months since I started keeping track in 2012.

I also published a novel in March, one I had been hanging onto for several years but hadn’t been able to bring myself to deal with.

So, overall, I’ve been very happy with my progress, and the one thing I’m keeping in mind is that I need to do it again in April, to show myself that I really am ready to move forward in this new year.