It has taken a while, but I have finally restarted my writing in a way that feels real this time. I’ve had a few false starts, not gonna lie, but this time does feel different.
This last year (and the one before, and the one before that too, to be honest) have been tough. Dean Wesley Smith calls these things life rolls. I don’t really have a better name for them, so I’ll go with that one. This last year in particular was the toughest, because I lost a couple of family members, and I’m still dealing with the consequences of that.
But otherwise, I’m finally writing an appreciable number of words again and I’ve published another book! That has been weighing on me the most over the last year, and it’s been such a joy to get to do that again!
So, things have changed around the self-publishing landscape since I released a novel. I did release some shorter things during the fallow stretch between novels, but even the last of those had been nearly a year ago. Now Amazon is dropping most books off a cliff within a couple of weeks. And of course, AI is all the talk in the writer communities.
But for me, for now, I’m just going to focus on enjoying being a writer again, now that I’m actually writing again. :D