I decided on December 31st that I was going to post a daily post on the site this year. I even drafted one up (which I’ve since used for the WordPress bug test post).
Then I decided maybe not.
But now I’ve rescinded that decision. I think this daily posting thing will go well with my daily writing this year.
I have a streak going and I intend to keep it going all through 2020. I’m up to 150 consecutive days of fiction writing. That’s my longest run to date. I’d like to see how long I can make it before my impulsive side gets the best of me and decides there’s no point to it. ;D
I’m not swearing I’ll get the post up every day on time or anything, but I will post one for the day within a day or two, which’ll naturally include my daily word count. Mostly because I’ll be using these posts as a sort of accountability for my goals.
I will say this: I don’t think it’s going to be smart of me to start off the day by writing the post for the day before. I tend to get sucked into the blog posts and waste of lot of prime writing time doing a brain dump, getting stiff from sitting too long, and letting my coffee go cold, then end up having to do a total reset to get started with the fiction writing.
Today, this moment, is a case in point. (Grimaces at the mouthful of cold coffee and swallows anyway.)
Toodles. :D I have fresh coffee to brew and a book to write.
Oh, and I wrote 252 words on January 2nd, and 303 on January 1st.
Definitely not on target for the plans I’ve made for this new year. :-o
I hate playing catch up, but I guess that’s what I’ll be trying to do today.