New streak?

I have four days of writing in a row. Three days of more than 300 words a day. I’m thinking it’s a streak.

Now, to decide whether it’s a four day streak of writing or a three day streak of 300+ words. I’ll let you know tomorrow! ;)

Getting closer to done

The scenes I thought would go quickly have taken a little more time to finish up. My subconscious thinks there’s more story there to tell, and I’m letting it.

But I am almost done with it, and it feels so good. I’ve spent longer than I wanted on this one, and I’m hoping to transfer my momentum to my next story.

The Year of WIPs

I’ve set a goal this year to finish as many works in progress as I can (those that I had started before the end of 2024). I have several series, and in each one, I have a tendency to start the next book right after finishing the last. Then I run out of momentum on it or start feeling like I need to write a different book instead, so I switch and leave it hanging until I can get back to it in the rotation (or whenever I decide I’ve had enough and am going to finish it anyway).

This year, I want to get some of those books out of the way. I’ll be honest with you, though, and tell you I’ve already added two new WIPs to the pile since 2025 started. It might be that I’ll always have a stack of WIPs waiting for me even if I get the old ones out of the way. I do usually finish what I start. There’s the occasional story start that doesn’t work out, but this is the exception, not the rule.

Today, I’m back at it. I’d like this to be the first WIP I cross off the list and I’d like to do that today. Wish me luck. :)

Today is a day for finishing

I have a story I’m working on finishing today. I’m most of the way there, but there’s still a little to finish up. I want to say it’s one of the rare stories where I end up writing scenes out of order that have to be rearranged as the story consolidates itself in my head. That’d be a lie. Lately, this has been the rule instead of the exception.

I’ll say most of this seemed to start (or get considerably more common) in the last few years. I’ve written extensively about the probable reasons for that so I won’t bother again, but I’m hopeful it’ll get better. For a while, I didn’t even want to write at all, and that did get better, so there’s always hope!

Anyway, working on this story today and I’m pretty excited that it’s coming together finally, after some scene shifting, cuts, and redrafting.*

But sometimes the story that’s there isn’t the story you really want to tell, and your subconscious calls you on it. :D Now it is, and I’m so happy I trusted my subconscious. I’m really happy with what I have so far.

*I usually call this editing, but in truth, it’s really just being creative and finding the story that my subconscious is trying to get out onto the page in the way it wants it there.