Goals for August 2024

This is a simple list of the goals I’ve set for August. I’ll post a comprehensive assessment after the month ends. It probably won’t be as formal as it sounds. :)

No word count goal for the month. Just a goal to finish:

  • 3 short stories
  • a weekly chapter of my serial
  • the novel I’ve been working on for far too long

At halfway through the month, I’ve gone over the length I wanted for one of those short stories and it feels kind of like it’s never going to end. I haven’t even touched the other two. As for the weekly chapters, I’m two behind, but I might push to get two up today and get that back on track.

June–July 2024 accountability

So…the months keep slipping away and I keep forgetting to write these accountability posts. Not sure what to do about that other than make a calendar entry for them. I don’t want to do that, for various reasons, so I probably won’t.

In June, I wrote 1,537 words, and in July, I wrote 2,126.

I know what happened, and is still happening, but I’m not having a lot of luck fixing it. Yet. My daughter moved home, and it has really messed up every routine I had. And honestly, I was never good at keeping routines anyway, so this has been even more challenging than I thought it’d be. We’ve been living apart for several years, so reacquainting ourselves with compromise and sharing spaces has been a process. I also had to wrap up the last of the issues with my Dad’s estate.

July was when I really started to realize nothing was working for me with the writing and my routines. I feel lucky I’m doing better in August, even though it hasn’t been by much. My August word count is already higher than July.

But I’ve had to give up the effort to create some kind of schedule for my writing. I’m thinking I just need to really find something I love to write to get me working on my fiction as often as possible.

I need to worry about finishing things, writing new things that make me happy and enthusiastic, and publishing.

So there you go. I’ll write up an August goals post as soon as I publish this one.