Switching things up

I’m going to switch things up today, by working half the day on writing, and the other half on copy editing that book I need to get ready to publish. I wanted to get started on the copy editing yesterday and didn’t but definitely should have. Didn’t get close to my word count goal either, and today I need to do better.

The thing is, I’m feeling very stressed. I’m going to have to get over that. It’s really isn’t helping me get anything done.

I think I’ll do 1 hour blocks and trade out. That wasn’t what I intended when I thought about switching out, but the thought of writing or copy editing for hours on end without a break between kind of makes me want to go back to bed instead.

And later…

Ugh! I’m not having any luck at this today. I finally bailed on it and did the books instead (my monthly accounting update to my records and my spreadsheet, etc., and then I did my personal books and my budget). It needed to be done, but not at the cost of missed writing time or another delay of the copy edit. Time is growing short, deadlines are looming, and I’m just making all this so much harder than it has to be!